The Adventures of a Pesky Pug and a Krazy Kitten!
Meet my Fur Children. Since I am not 'sitting' at the moment, I thought I would take the time to introduce my own fur children.
Peepers is a 10-year old Pug. Her mother was found by one of my co-workers while she was carrying her babies. When Peepers was born, she was the runt. My co-worker had no idea I was looking for a Pug at the time and I just happened to overhear a conversation. When I inquired, I was amazed that she had just what I was looking for. My first Pug! I worked swing shift for Southwestern Bell at the time. My shift was over at midnight. My co-worker brought her to me and she weighed just 2 lbs. She poked her head out from under the coat of my co-worker and all I could see were EYES! I said 'Jeepers, Creepers....where'd you get those peepers'.....hence, the name 'Peepers'. Her papered name is 'Midnight Peepers'. She is aged now and has degenerative spine disease. She is not in any pain, however, she has little use of her back legs. Don't feel sorry for her though as she is determined like her mommy! She will drag her butt to wherever she wants to be. Nothing is stopping her. I adore her!
Then there's Piffles. I had to have my Fawn Pug, Otis, put down in June. He had Cancer and was in pain. I didn't want to let him go, however, I have always said 'Quality over Quantity'. I couldn't bear to see him suffer. Peepers became very lonely as she and Otis were inseparable and only one year apart. I decided to rescue a kitten so that Peepers would have companionship. I adopted her from the King County Animal Shelter. She is a Brown Tabby and has a thick long coat of fur. The picture above was taken right after adoption. She has grown significantly since then. Peepers and she hated each other for the first month or so. She would hiss at Peepers and Peepers would bark at her. This didn't last long and now, 6 months later, they are the best of friends. Piffles is precocious! She loves to come up behind Peepers and bite her back legs. I think she knows that is her weak spot and knows she can get away with it. Poor Peepers trys to get away from her and just drags her butt around. Its very comical to watch! But, I couldn't have asked for a better cat. Piffles is funny, warm and loving, feisty and pretty well-behaved.
So there you have it. The Playful Paw Household! Stay tuned for more Dog Sitting adventures in February!