Monday, January 25, 2010
Kira and Joe....

Posted by Dee at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Abbie Sings
Forgive the slow blogs but Auntie Dee is working with one arm these days. Abbie got to spend most of the day outside today as the sun showed its happy face. she couldn't wait to bury the new bone I bought her. She has a pretty Ruff life.....Eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep, play.....etc. Nothing new to report as all is well on the homefront.
Posted by Dee at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tee Time
Anyone for a game of golf? Is there anything Abbie won't allow me to dress her up in? LOL. She almost looks Ahmish in this photo, but she is wearing her mommy's golf cap. She is still enjoying the dry days and walks whenever we can squeeze them in. Auntie Dee has a broken arm so a walk is sometimes difficult.
We may go for a ride tomorrow in between some cleaning. I bought her some bones so she is enjoying hiding them in the yard and digging them up at night for a nightly chew-fest. She is doing great and looking forward to her family coming home.
Posted by Dee at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Auntie Dee and Kathy..........

The dynamic Duo are quite the pair.......
They are both cute with Jet Black hair.....
No two fur children are quite the same........
Gentle and sweet, they both remain......
The sky has been clear - no rain for days.......
So Kira goes out and loves to play....
Joe and his laser are never a bore....
But what is really funny is Kira likes it more......
Between Kathy and I they are getting some love.....
These two fit like a leather glove.
Posted by Dee at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Chilly but dry.....

We had a little scare at 4:00am this morning. (its always something when I am here). The house alarm began beeping very loud. It scared me at first because I thought someone was attempting to get in. But this alarm was different than the screeching alarm that goes off. I would know the sound of that alarm since I have tripped it a few times. I walked through the house to investigate and read the code on the alarm. It read '02'. This meant the Front Garage Door had tripped the alarm. So, now it was time to go outside and investigate the garage door. The door seemed intact. I lifted it apprehensivley a few times as well as the other doors and the alarm didn't stop so I just input the code and it was fine. I locked the two doors that go into the garage but it still kept me awake thinking all those thoughts about strangers hiding in the garage, or worse, in the house. I checked everything out this morning and all is okay so I am just guessing it was a gliche in the alarm. Nothing to worry about (:0}
It is suppose to be dry again today but it is looking rather gloomy. I am bringing Abbie a big bone today so she will be happy.
Posted by Dee at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Abbie and me.....
I've been on hiatus for the holidays. But, now its time to get back to what I love. Spending time with Abbie and all my other fur babies. Its been raining non-stop for days now so Abbie and I just hung out and read. Like me, her eyesight is failing so she is wearing her mommy's reading glasses. I think she looks rather studious. She is so good about posing for anything I want her to do because she knows at the end there is a treat in store for her. She is content to just hang out. She only goes out when she HAS to. If there is a sunbreak, she will go out for a while. She was out earlier when her German Shepard friend came over to visit. Abbie isn't real thrilled with her neighbor but she tolerates her. She was ready to come into the house before the neighbor went home. Looking out the window I felt sorry for the German friend because he looked so sad and just sauntered back across the street. Abbie is sleeping right now. Her belly is full and all that reading made her tired. She is a joy!
Posted by Dee at 4:11 PM 0 comments
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