Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We are still here!!

It has been a while since my last posting. Business has been slow. And it's been a rough year for me health-wise. Thankfully, my health is getting back on track and I am excited to be back at full speed.

But the good news is that I'm Good and I will be back shortly. I visit Chloe in a week or so. Also, Kira girl will grace us with her beautiful, black coat as well as Joe Kitty who is a little camera shy. I bought a very nice, expensive camera and I hope to snap some awesome photos of my client's fur children.

So, be patient and know that I'm never far.I will be back soon along with all my cute, furry, little ones whom I miss during slow times.

Wishing everyone a bright and shiny summer and a cozy Fall and Winter