As You can see, Peaches is growing very fast. She has been home only one week on Friday and I think she has doubled in size. She and Punkin get along great...much better than I could have hoped for.
She has her own little personality and we don't dare leave anything out where she can reach it. I came home one day and she looked so sweet in the corner sleeping until I saw something hanging out of her mouth. It was the reminents of a tissue she found somewhere. Just a little piece was hanging from her lip. I had to laugh.
She loves to romp outside and sometimes I have to carry her in as she would stay out there all day. She loves to chew on Punkin's ears, her face or anything else she can get in her mouth. But Punking is fast and Peaches has to catch her first! They are truly a pair and I believe they were meant to be together.
They will be going to training soon. We still have a few peeing issues to work on but I think they will train together well. I have begun by teaching them 'No', 'sit' etc. She is soooooo smart!
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