Well, at least you can meet two of them. This is Baby, the Sharpei and Maggie, the Yellow Lab. The senior Sharpei, Brutus is a little camera shy or he just doesn't care to have his picture taken. But, I won't give up....I'll snap that mug of his tonight!!!
Yesterday was my first day with the three of them. These are truly active dogs. Their mommy and daddy pay the mortgage and the dogs just let them live there! But, that's the way it is at my house as well.
I managed to get in the door without too much of a battle. They were very anxious to see me. They greeted me like I was part of the family and I had only met them the day before. This is not my usual policy as they need time to get your scent and understand that you are there as their friend. (You can read further down in my old post about a German Shorthair. I met with them the day before they were flying out due to a death in the family. Mocha seemed to be fine, but when I arrived, she was having no part of me getting into the home. She actually tried to bite me. But, it was HER home and I don't fault her for that. I should have had more time with her)
Anyway, back to the threesome, they are doing awesome. They each got a big bone last night and that kept them busy for a while. Maggie slept on the back of the couch, Brutus in the little square bed I brought into the Rec room and Baby slept on the blanket on the footstool to the chair. All were happy! They are good dogs.
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