Abbie is great and content as can be. She is sleeping, eating and walking everyday! She likes watching them work on the remodel. Its coming along. Nothing much more to report which is a good thing because I am having a problem with Blogger. I thought it was my computer, but it appears to be the Blogger website. It won't allow me to upload photos. I have an email into their IT department. Therefore, I will combine the Farm update with Abbie's. Kathy is neatly tucked away at the farm. I went over there at Four o'clock to feed the horses and check on everything. All was quiet just like at Abbie's. Tomorrow The Bobs are leaving for Vegas. I will go take them to the airport in the morning. I have extra help to cover everyone that is gone this next three days. But, I will apologize ahead of time in the event I cannot blog over the weekend. Email always works, so please email if you need to get ahold of me. I hope everyone is having a great time.
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