Well, you have heard it on the news.......it is now over and everyone has dug themselves out and things seem so normal, as if it never actually happened.
In all my years in Washington and being in this business, I have NEVER experienced the wrath of Mother Nature like I did in this last big Pet Sit weekend. I could write a book, and this last adventure has enticed me to do just that. 'The Adventures of Pet Sitting"
The Snow/Ice/Wind Storm that held two friends and myself hostage seemed uneventful to the animals we were spending time with. However, it taught me a valuable lesson that I should have learned while Girl Scouting.....IF, I had ever been a Girl Scout.....BE PREPARED!!!!
When the snow came it was a beautiful sight. As told in the picture above, looking outside Abbie's house. I kept wishing it had come at Christmas time so that my grand kids and my children and friends might have a White Christmas. Be careful what you wish for.
When the snow kept falling and it seemed like an endless stream of cotton falling from the sky, I thought to myself, 'This is beautiful, but how am I going to get out of all this snow'. I consoled myself by believing it would not continue to fall and as long as it was just this gorgeous white powder, driving was still an option. After all, I have All-Wheel and Overdrive. On the third or fourth morning, I woke to an ICE STORM. What the heck is an Ice Storm? I'm from California....I am lucky to have seen snow! I was soon forced to find out what an Ice Storm was and it wasn't pretty! Now the entire state looked like a giant Ice Arena! The news showed clips of people sliding down the middle of their streets on sleds and clips of dogs attempting to maneuver on the ice; making it seem like a Winter Wonderland. Unfortunately, these clips only lasted two minutes and then the REAL news went on for 24 hours. Downed power lines, roofs caved in, deaths, buildings collapsing due to the weight of the ice, people attempting to drive; who can only be described as CRAZY. It was incredible. And the forecast was not good either. By this time they were forecasting rain and high winds. OMG!
During this time, my business has to go on as usual. My clients are sunning in beautiful Cabo or Palm Dessert or Las Vegas, but this is home and my clients are depending on me. There are animals I would never leave in harm's way. And I had to go out, no matter the weather as it is my busiest weekend of the year. And it was only January. Taking my life in my hands, somehow, I managed to get everyone moved into their perspective places and get all clients covered in the time allotted. What might have taken one hour to accomplish, now took half a day. My car was stranded at one client's home; another friend's car was stranded at a second client's home; and a third car was stranded at my home. But everyone was where they needed to be.
Taking a sigh of relief, I settled in and assumed the worst was over.
Second lesson......NEVER ASSUME.
Here comes another round of snow. Jeeeeezzzzzz
When Abbie's parents arrived home, they were kind enough to hire their driver to get me out of the snow and ice and back to my home. Thankful, Thankful, Thankful. I love Abbie. I love spending time at their house. I love her parents. But, I needed to see, feel and touch my own fur children. Unfortunately, Kathy was stranded in Renton. No way to get her out as her car was stranded and the ice and show and wind was so bad, I couldn't get in or out if I tried. Then the really bad news for her.......she lost power. There she sat for four days as she was just covering until I could get there. I was fortunate to have power the entire time. And though I felt bad for her, inside I was so grateful to be home, WITH power! (Sorry, Kathy)
Well, I have just finished one chapter of my book. Closing out this chapter, I can say it seems like it was all a terrible dream. How fast life goes on. But I definitely have a clearer understanding of
"Don't MESS with Mother Nature"
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