Thursday, November 20, 2008

Abbi the elusive.....

Abbie thinks I am part of the family. However, she knows she can 'play' me and does this every chance she gets. She is used to my crazy schedule and always greets me with open paws. I sometimes wonder if she puts on a few pounds from all the treats she gets from me. I know her mommy and daddy give her treats, but she knows she can look at me with those big soulful eyes and I give in every time. She has been escaping her yard lately. I have learned where she does this and have confined her to her back yard which is about an acre! Poor Abbi.....only an acre! But, she loves the front of her house so we walk often and spend time out there so she will not feel deprived.She is a gentle, comical and intelligent canine and she has my heart forever.