Abbie injured her leg day before yesterday. She woke up limping yesterday, so I nursed her all day. It paid off because she is moving so much better today. We had thunder and lightening and I think she strained it as she was frightened. Maybe when she jumped off the bed.
She is almost walking normal. Just a twitch now and then. She should be 100 percent by tomorrow.
We have had rain for the past two days so we have spent a lot of time indoors. Abbie likes that because she just gets to 'cruise' with her Auntie 'Dee'. She better get ready for the arrival of the new baby....Peaches will come visit when she has had all her shots and is old enough to take in the car. Punkin is another story....she would run Abbie ragged, so she will stay home.
No big plans for the next two days. More recovery time for Abbie and cleaning for Auntie Dee. She is looking forward to Mom and Dad coming home on Saturday.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by Dee at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Her name is Peaches!
Posted by Dee at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Missing in action

Posted by Dee at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Posted by Dee at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Abbie and the Sunshine
Abbie and I are enjoying the sunshine. It has been beautiful and today looks just as promising. We went for a long walk and I brought her a HUGE bone to knaw on. She enjoys being out side for a couple of hours and then wants to come in to see what's going on in the house. I think she just wants to see what Auntie Dee is having for lunch or to grab another cookie.
I will be gone a few hours today so she will be enjoying the outside for a bit. Other than that, we have a day of rest and relaxation! She is perfect as usual and is happy as a clam! I'm sure she misses Mom and Dad, but I am being a good substitute. No worries on this end.
Posted by Dee at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Good Bye My Little Girl....
We woke up this morning and she was shaking. She sat for hours as she was in too much pain to lay down. She had mucus coming from her mouth and when she looked at me with those big black eyes (her peepers), it was if she were saying 'I think its time momma'. I have always believed in Quality over Quantity. I knew I had to let her go. So, she went to her favorite vet and went to sleep for the last time. I am going to miss her immensly. She was one of a kind.
Posted by Dee at 6:02 PM 0 comments