Friday, April 8, 2011

Sunshiny Day

The pups are loving the sunshine this morning. However, there are black skies beyond the Rainier Mountain Range that are looking very threatening right now. But, for now, we are all outside enjoying what little sunshine there is. We cleaned up all the plastic they were eating....don't know what it started out to be? I love mysteries! LOL. If the sunshine keeps up we are going to go for a walk and explore the area over by the trees. A friend of mine wants an Eagle feather. I would never take one unless it were on the ground and my chances of finding one are pretty much the same as me getting a sex change. Ain't gonna happen. But we will have fun trying!!!! Everything is good here. Nothing is destroyed, broken or bent. Waiting on Barb to come by to pick up the trailer but haven't heard from her yet. Hope mom and dad are winning lots of money!!!!!