Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last Day together

Its our last day together until June. All is well and no incidents to report. It has been raining all day so we have been keeping busy playing with toys and chew bones. They get their daily treat of their frozen bones...they love that.
The horses are doing well too but standing out in the rain and the mud. They were exceptionally happy to see me tonight and finally came over to the gate to see me. I ususally have to go to them but he brought his nose right up to the fence for me to scratch. Unfortunately, I have forgotten their names? The black horse seems to be a little agitated the last couple of days. Or, maybe, he is just used to me and is attempting to play. They love their treats.
Barnie is happy except when Cassie is tormenting her which is most of the time. She holds her own though and gets away when need be. I know they are all anxious to have their family home with them and will be very glad tomorrow when that happens. I will be here until about 6pm and tomorrow and say my 'good byes' until next time. They are good fur children.