Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunshine all Day!

The kids are enjoying the sunshine today. I didn't go anywhere so they have been hanging out in the sunshine. The Elk came to visit this morning but I wasn't aware of it until I heard Cassie barking wildly. I looked out and sure enough she was barking at a rather large Elk. I yelled for her just as the neighbor in the white truck decided to leave. She lost interest in the Elk and decided to chase the truck. She can run very fast!
I have a loud whistle that I trained my kids to hear when they were little. I have been whistling for the dogs and they all come running. I assume their mommy and daddy do this too and that is the reason they know what it means.
Cassie got into some oil or something. Maybe laying under the truck. Her back is black. I may try to bathe her if I think my wrist can manage.
All else is boring and uneventful here on the farm which is how I prefer it to be. We have and enough 'events'.........time to relax. :-)