All is well on the Farm Front. And though there has been a lot of rain and the ground is soaked and has produced an enormous amount of mud which now resides on my car.......Mt. Rainier was in full view this morning. Trying to get a good shot of it, however, was not successful, but I will try again tomorrow.
The pups are happy and healthy and enjoying the time outside. Cassie got to go on the trail with Laramie and Barb today so she is exhausted right now and snoring on the back of the loveseat! Ruggles seems to be doing better with her sore and she is sporting a clean T-Shirt and her ears are good. They each live for the nightly cookies (and the extras they get during the day) and all has been quiet during the night for the last three nights. There is a full moon tonight so I expect something will wake us in the wee hours of the morning.
Tomorrow is house cleaning day and I have two doctor's appointments in the morning, so I will return in the late afternoon in time to feed both the horses and the dogs. We expect to stay in all weekend and Kathy will be here on Sunday to take over for a few nights.
The pups are happy and healthy and enjoying the time outside. Cassie got to go on the trail with Laramie and Barb today so she is exhausted right now and snoring on the back of the loveseat! Ruggles seems to be doing better with her sore and she is sporting a clean T-Shirt and her ears are good. They each live for the nightly cookies (and the extras they get during the day) and all has been quiet during the night for the last three nights. There is a full moon tonight so I expect something will wake us in the wee hours of the morning.
Tomorrow is house cleaning day and I have two doctor's appointments in the morning, so I will return in the late afternoon in time to feed both the horses and the dogs. We expect to stay in all weekend and Kathy will be here on Sunday to take over for a few nights.
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