Mattie, Sophie and I woke up to snow this morning. I was up off and on all night so I watched it fall all night. The pups love romping in the snow and they come in with white flakes on their backs. But I have to tell you their latest adventure. There is a Gazebo in the back yard. Just behind the Gazebo is an old storage box, probably holding gardening tools or the like. It has a sloped top. There is a gap between the Gazebo and the box of about 1 foot. Well, Sophie and Mattie decided to jump up and over the Gazebo and onto the box. However, they were too scared to jump back down. I called them and called them and when I didn't see them I went looking. There they stood, both on top of the box, wagging their tails but tentative as they were scared to jump. I couldn't help but laugh, but wondered how the heck I was going to get these dogs down. I have been battling pneumonia, so even at full strength, I am not sure I could have lifted Mattie as she outweighs Sophie by 10 or 15 pounds at least. So, I found a piece of ply board and made a ramp and pulled them by their collar to get them down. Once they were down, they thought it was a game and tried to jump back up. Silly dogs.....I have shored the Gazebo up a bit with the loose
sticks that were lying on the Gazebo. They haven't jumped up there since. They are too funny. Between their shenanigans and the cat's sleuth work, it is never a dull moment around here.

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