Scout wasn't happy that I was trying to dress him in his Santa Hat. But he really is a happy kitty. He is full of personality and loves it when I come to feed him. His mommy won't be happy because he insists on going on the living room sofa where he is NOT suppose to be. But, he only does it when I am not there. I can tell when I come into the house he is jumping off that sofa because the blanket is down. I keep telling him he is going to get in trouble when Mommy gets home. If cats could talk I am certain he would say 'So what?' He is doing great and eating like a champ!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Bahhhhhh Humbug!
Posted by Dee at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 20, 2010
Scout Kitty
Scout is doing well. He still loves his cat house, well I should say his 'cat condo'. He has enough toys and gadgets to keep any cat happy for days. He has gotten used to my routine twice a day and greets me at the door and usually ends up rolling around on the steps until I sit down and pet him and pull his tail. He likes that. He gets brushed every morning and at night I play the laser games. By the way there are these three lasers on the table and I just HAVE to have some like them so I need to remind his mommy and daddy to tell me where they got them! They are cool. Anyway, as you can tell I am more into them than Scout is because he barely chases the single red dot before giving up. But he loves his feathers and he loves to chat while I clean his box and feed him or wash his bowl. He is doing great.
Posted by Dee at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Santa Pawsssssss

Posted by Dee at 12:12 PM 0 comments

Posted by Dee at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Scout the Muncher
Posted by Dee at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Meet Scout!
Scout is my newest member to the Playful Paw family. He is a beautiful Gray Tabby color but has Manx in his line. He is very social with me when I come to visit. I made my first visit last night and he was cordial, spoke to me and rubbed up against my legs while I was fixing his dinner. He seems to be quite comfortable in his surroundings and loves to be on his cat furniture. I made a visit this morning and he was the same way. He never runs for the door and was happy that there was someone there to play with him. I gave him some wet food this morning and then cleaned his box. He crawled up on his cat pole and wanted to play with his feather. So, I played with him for quite a while and he seems very content. And....surprisingly, he never gestured to go out the back door. So, all is well on the Scout front!
Posted by Dee at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Posted by Dee at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Kira and JoeJoe
Posted by Dee at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ready for Christmas

Posted by Dee at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 29, 2010
The French Fry Terminator
Abbie and I made our McDonald's run. She got to ride shot gun this time and I put the seat belt on her. She fits perfect there and she sits just the right way to get the belt on. Anyway, here is a shot of her getting her french fry. Flattering, eh???
Posted by Dee at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 27, 2010
More of Abigail
I have noticed she is having a little trouble with her back legs. They sometime go out from under her. She has a slight tremor in her right leg but it usually doesn't hinder her. I suspect it is the cold that is making her poor little bones creak....just like mine!
Tomorrow is our McDonald's Day. So, she will get her french fries.
Posted by Dee at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Posted by Dee at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
Abbie the Snow Angel

Posted by Dee at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Snow at the Farm
Well, today it snowed EVERYWHERE. The streets are treacherous and Kathy will be stuck at the farm until the snow lets up. She may have to move in with Ruggles, Cassie and Sunny!!!!! But it is beautiful. All the pets are holed up in the living room now but Kathy had them out playing in the snow today. She even walked down to the horses and played with them a while.
Posted by Dee at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Spoiled Abbie and Snow
As you can see Abbie has chosen to be inside instead of out in the snow. I have been here since 10am this morning and it has been snowing since I arrived. The difference between the snow here and the snow at the Farm where I left this morning is that this snow isn't sticking so far. Its a wet snow but still very pretty. Abbie's mommy said she really likes to go make snow angels too but today she isn't leaving my side. Of course, it could be those treats hanging out of her mouth, ya think????? She is doing well and since I have been here so much she just acts like she expects me to be here. Today is Sunday and we usually go to McDonalds for a French Fry day but we may hold off until this week. She will definitely get to go one day. We will be spending Thanksgiving alone together. My family will not be here so its just Abbie and me. I can't think of a better companion for Thanksgiving Day because every day I thank God for her!!!!
Posted by Dee at 2:34 PM 0 comments
White Morning

Posted by Dee at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Kira and Joe fairing well
Posted by Dee at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Back at the Farm
No Rain today. YEAH! But the weekend is calling for snow. The pups are doing great and enjoying outside before the weather gets too bad. The horses are getting their blankets on today as the temp is dropping into the 40's and 30's in the next few days. Ruggles is in her favorite spot in the house and is content to just go out to pee. The dynamic duo, Cassie and Sonny are always in play mode. But, I brought them some bones yesterday so that keeps them happy for a while. Everyone is doing fine!
Posted by Dee at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Kira happy as a clam

Posted by Dee at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Abbie posing
Posted by Dee at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Abbie ready for her walk
Abbie is her usual sweet self. Its been cold and windy and there are leaves all over the ground. She wanted to go for a walk so we put on her NIKE hat so her little head wouldn't get cold. I swear, I could put a suit of armour on her and she would just sit there and let me. Of course, we know who the smarter of the two is.......she KNOWS she gets a cookie its all over. She is doing well and loving all the attention.
Posted by Dee at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Kira and Joe Kitty

Posted by Dee at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November has arrived!
Fall is really in the air. The beautiful leaves are al over the ground and its REALLY cold outside in the morning. I will be posting Kira, Joe and Abbie shortly, so stay tuned!
Posted by Dee at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Petunia and Punkin
Posted by Dee at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Sparky Witch and Jenna Old Lady.......

Posted by Dee at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Abbie Waiting patiently
As you can see, Abbie is patiently waiting the Trick or Treaters tonight. She has her bag ready in case anyone brings some bones!
Posted by Dee at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Abbie ready for Halloween
Posted by Dee at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Sparky and Jenna

Posted by Dee at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Abbie and I went for a walk today. It managed to clear up for a minute and we took full advantage of it. She is doing well and we are spending a lot of time together considering I have to go check on my pups and visit the farm for a short time. But the rest of the time is spent with her. We walked, watched movies and she was very happy with her McDonald's run today. Yes, she is no longer French Fry deprived. She hung out a lot of the day today. She seems to like it more outside now. But she still likes jumping up on the bed (via the stool) and cuddling with me. She is the best!
Posted by Dee at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Things on the farm....

Posted by Dee at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Incognito at the Fire Hydrant.....

Posted by Dee at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Farm Livin is the Life For Me........

Posted by Dee at 11:19 PM 0 comments