Spook lives next door to the other three cats listed below. He is also a new addition. However, he is not quite the social butterfly that Sabrina, Lilly and Yogi are! I guess it didn't help that I accidentally triggered the alarm and he had to listen to all that noise. When I walked into his living space, he was sitting right in the middle of the bed. As you can see by the picture above, he flew like a jet and hid from me. So, I took the picture of his imprint on the bed! LOL. He was fine when I arrived this morning and again tonight. I saw him briefly but he didn't run. He casually walked away to his favorite hiding space. He is eating and drinking, so I am not worried. Some cats are like people.......aloof! If I can get an actual shot of him I will post again! I know......GOOD LUCK!
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