Not too much new to report. Abbie and I have been slugs (appropriately so in this house!). We caught a sun break so Abbie romped in the yard for a while. She loves going to get the mail with me. Ever since she showed me the trick of carry a piece of mail to the house, she insists on doing this each time. Of course, it could be because she gets a treat every time to show what a smart girl she is. She is still sleeping on the bed with me. She has been knawing on the bone I bought her and just being lazy as dog should do!
We went for a ride yesterday and got some McDonalds. She got a french fry but was kind of upset I wouldn't give her any more. Don't want to make her sick. But that doesn't stop her from looking at me with those sad eyes pleading for a bite of my burger! I had to be strong.
I have some shopping to do today. A friend of mine is coming in from Chicago and she will be staying at my house and visiting during the day so Abbie will have more company. Other than that...all is well and peaceful at the Abbie household.
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