Friday, September 9, 2011

Bright and Beautiful day

Today was a picture perfect day in Washington State. I got to visit with the horses and the farm animals as well as take care of the two little Schnauzers I am with for the next two weeks. I was peaceful today knowing I can put my entire focus on my animals as it is just me and them. I seem to be married to my job and for now, that is okay. The closeness and attention they give me is adequate in the absence of a partnership I hope to have some time in the future. The Schnauzers are doing as well as always. We spent a lot of time outside today. As a matter of fact, Katja didn't want to come in tonight for over an hour. I had to take her lead outside as if we were going for a walk before she would come to me. At least I know how to trick her although I feel bad doing that. We had an early morning walk at 7:30 and Katja let me know she was done before we got all the way to the end of 244th. But she got a long way none-the-less. We ran into Bonnie on the way back and visited for a while. I keep watching for Abbie outside but haven't been able to connect with her yet. Katie and Katja are happy little campers, loving their treats, the attention and the spoiling they are getting. I am actually loving the time alone with them as well. All is well on the homefront and we hope mommy and daddy are having a wonderful time in Italy. How could you not?????
Oh....and Katie and Katja have their Halloween pictures for next month as you can see above.