Thursday, August 23, 2012

Last Night With Abbie Girl.....

This week went by fast. I always miss Abbie so when I leave and I don' t have her on the calendar anytime soon so I am sure I will really miss her this time.
She was perfect as usual. She has slowed down quite a bit but then we all do when we are aging. She loves to cuddle and give me kisses and I enjoy our walks during the day. She has been fantastic with the getting up in the middle of the night. She sleeps right through the night and I have to wake her in the morning to get her outside.
Her fur is starting to grow out so she is beginning to look like her old self again. I hope she misses me when I am gone. I thnk I will make it a point f stopping by from time to time to see how she is doing. I will try to catch her out in the yard so I don't bother her mommy and daddy.
I will leave tomorrow around noon. I am always available anytime I am needed for her and hopefully her owners know that!