Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Posted by Dee at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Gloomy Tuesday.....
Posted by Dee at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 20, 2012
A Quiet Weekend......
Posted by Dee at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 17, 2012
Treat Day!
Posted by Dee at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Ha! The laugh is on you Mr. Links!
I finally got Links out of the hole in the wall and the bathroom closed off. However, he is very angry with me. He keeps running back and forth to see if I left the door open. Thank goodness for that bell on his neck because that is how I knew he was in his room eating and I ran upstairs and beat him to the bathroom.
Unable to sleep all night, I have been up. I caught him out of the bathroom around 2am. He is now sitting at the top of the stairs meowing very loudly. If I could speak Cat tongue, I would be convined he was calling me the 'B' word! But I promptly cleaned his cat box really good as I do two or three times a day anyway. Filled the water bowls and gave them two big bowls of cat food. Oh...and about twenty treats on the floor. So, he should get his belly full soon and become the lump in the bed that he usually is. Misty is her usual sweet self. She rolls around on the stairs and I sit on the step and rub her belly and talk to her. She is very cute.
Sophie and Mattie have grown so much since I last saw them. I realized this when Sophie jumped on my head from the back of the couch. I estimate her weight as 'dead' weight! Matie is more of a cuddler to the point of 'needy' sometimes, but she is a puppy and needs a lot of attention. I have been continueing with her food training. I am working on the chewing issue with Sophie by making sure she has enough to chew on and doesn't get bored. However, my computer lives on top of the entertainment unit as I know to keep everything high because they do chew. My cord was hanging just within reach and while I was getting mail and bringing in the trash cans, she chewed it to the point of getting a little shock. I don't think she will do that again. Heck of a way to learn, but puppies are like kids.......they have to learn the hard way. Well, enough of my insomniac blogging. I will go back to my book writing. Everything in Bellevue is cold and beautiful!
Posted by Dee at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Be sure to click on each of the cats at the end of the Laughing Cat video. Have fun!
Posted by Dee at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Gloomy in Bellevue
Posted by Dee at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Well, this Valentine's Day has been an adventure. A good one though. I found Misty and that made me happy. She came out to greet me and purrrrrrred as I gave her treats and brushed her. I found her coming out of the whole in the wall in the bathroom. When she found I had treats, she had no problem coming out. Links, however, retreated back into the hole. I took this picture hoping I could catch a glimpse of him. But to no avail. I know he is using the cat box and eating so I am not too worried. I would just hate for him to get stuck in there! I go looking every hour just to see if I can catch him and close up the hole. Keep your fingers crossed. I checked on Misty again as it had been a couple of hours and I found her under the bed sleeping. Of course I woke her up to take this picture.
The pups are their usual rambunctious puppy self. But letting them outside works for a while. They always come in to see what I am doing though. It has been raining every day since I have been here but they don't seem to mind. Uh Oh....here they are......they want to help me type. Sophie just jumped on my head from the back of the couch. What would I do without the craziness! I thrive on it but don't tell anyone!
Posted by Dee at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 13, 2012
Cleaning Up....
Posted by Dee at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Labs and Birthday!
Posted by Dee at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Sophie and Mattie
Posted by Dee at 5:24 PM 0 comments