Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sophie and Mattie

I have been with Sophie and Mattie since yesterday. They are quite the duo. They have grown a little since I saw them last and they seem to be more rambuctious! They are chewing on anything they can get their teeth on. I think it is time for some Nylabones or something they can sink their teeth in besides the furniture. Sophie actually chewed the collar right off Mattie. Her little pink studded collar is now in shreds. Their toy container is pretty chewed as well and I am afraid they are eating the plastic. So, Aunte Dee is going on a little shopping hunt tomorrow to see what I can find. Oh...and Mattie has chewed a huge hole in her Costco Bed. This is typical of Lab pups. They get bored and if there isn't something they can chew on for hours, they will move on to other things that are more tangible and they can swallow.
Other than the chewing thing, they are perfect. They go outside when they need to. They are eating regularly.
Misty came out to greet me this morning, but Links is still a big lump in the bed.
Now if I could only get the television to work, all would be well. Two days with no television is like taking my lifeline away from me. But, I got Netflix on my computer so there is always a way around it. I would just hate to have to watch movies for six weeks! Yikes!!!!
But all is well on the homefront with nothing new to report.