Monday, February 13, 2012

Cleaning Up....

As you can see we were outside cleaning up the backyard. It has been raining everyday and today was no exception. But a little water never hurt anyone so we decided to pick up some of the left-over chewables they had destroyed in the back and do poop patrol. Mattie and Sophie really like it outside even if it is raining. However, the rug doesn't take kindly to their dirty paws so we have a routine of wiping paws when they come in. Sometimes it works....sometimes it doesn't.
The metal bucket for their toys was perfect. They didn't hesitate to pull all of their toys out of it at least ten times today. My next venture is to get my sewing kit from home tomorrow and sew up their bed. I have a big darning needle that I once had to sew my couch with when I had a Golden Retriever. I have some very strong nylon thread as well. Sophie should not be able to chew through it after I sew it like Fort Knox!
Mattie is doing very well with her eating bowl. She is a food monger and her mommy set up a metal bowl with rocks in which is a great idea. However, she still doesn't let you put the food down without attacking you. So, I have been feeding Sophie first. Taking my time with Mattie, picking up her bowl and setting it on the counter. I then use the hand signals for 'down' and tell her to 'wait.....wait.....wait'. If she lunges, I force her back to a sitting position (should be a lying position, but everything in time) and I slowly set the bowl on the floor, still telling her 'wait'. She will wait about ten seconds (which is good) and when I give her the command 'Okay'. She is picking up on it pretty quickly but consistency is the key. I have another client whose dog trainer taught her Lab this same routine so I know it works.
Other than that.....its something new everyday. I haven't seen the cats and am starting to worry. I kno they are shy and I am giving them their space. But would just like to know they are in the house!!!!!!
Hope Mommy and Daddy are having a good time. No worries on this end.....I am just GLAD to have TV!!!!!