Thursday, November 20, 2008
Abbi the elusive.....
Posted by Dee at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Meet the newest Additions!

Posted by Dee at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
We are still here.....
Posted by Dee at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fall with Abbi
Posted by Dee at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Howl-o-ween!
Posted by Dee at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Abbi Knows What She Wants

I have been with my dear Abbi since last Tuesday, but I have been without a laptop until yesterday. So, here is a little update on Abbi. We have been very busy today as we wanted to really do some cleaning for her mom and dad's homecoming.
Abbi has me trained. At night, she will give me this little growl. If I don't pay attention, she will do it again a little louder until I pay attention. Sometimes, this happens in the middle of the night. I KNOW she doesn't do this to her mom and dad, so she really has me trained rather than me having her trained.
When she comes in from her walk or from a visit out to the bushes, I always ask her 'What do you want'. She barks. I say 'Well, show me what you want'. She runs to her cookie jar and shows me exactly what she wants as you can see in this picture.
She also likes to carry the mail in with me. I have to give her a piece of mail or the small paper so that she can deliver to the doorstep.
I've never believed in cloning, but if I were to consider it, Abbi would be who I would clone. I love her to pieces!
Posted by Dee at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
She's Growing
Posted by Dee at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Time Flies......
Posted by Dee at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Last Day together.....
Posted by Dee at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Saturday Afternoon
Posted by Dee at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Just another day in Paradise!
We are hoping for sunshine this week so we can go on a summer walk. She walked in the rain, but doesn't enjoy it that much.
Posted by Dee at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Posted by Dee at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Isn't she an Angel??? Well, Not Always!

Posted by Dee at 1:38 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Posted by Dee at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
From Olivia to Punkin

However, the name 'Olivia' does not suit her.
She is doing so well at night in the whelping pen.
that she can get used to sleeping with me.
that she needs to lay down and go to sleep.
She shocked me today as she did something
I can't believe she does this because I have
hand under the blanket and he would try
Otis was one in a million, Peepers is the Queen
Well, Punkin will be the terror!
Posted by Dee at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
More Pictures
Posted by Dee at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
My new FurChild
But, before I do that....
Her name is Punkin. She is 50% Pug and 50% Shitzhu. She actually has the face of a Brussels Griffon and she is sweet as sugar. I picked her up today and she came home to meet her Pug sister and her Cat sister. The cat ran and my Pug (Peepers) thought she was her baby.
I purchased a big whelping pen some time ago in anticipation
She was excellent on the ride home to her new house and we stopped to show her off to a friend. She laid in my lap while I drove and she has this little way of singing. She lifts her head up and lets out a little howwwwwlllll. She's ever so soft about it and it made me laugh when she did it.
She is loving and affectionate. She has been raised around other animals and there was no problem bringing her into the new home.
You will be seeing more of Punkin in the future.
Posted by Dee at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sooooo Sorry.....
Josie and I have been missing my computer. It took a nose dive right after my last posting on Josie. It will not be with me for at least two weeks.
Josie is just as adorable as ever and in very good spirits. She hates it when I leave her, even if it is just going to the car for a minute!
We walk two times a day....even in the rain. We sing at least once a day. I make her dance and give her one of her new cookies! She is doing very well, but I know she will love it when her family comes home.
Posted by Dee at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Pawsitively Perfect Pooch.....
Posted by Dee at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Rain, Rain and more Rain!
Posted by Dee at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Perfectly Fine
Posted by Dee at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
National DogNut, er, uh 'Donut' Day!
Josie and I began our first morning having tea and watching the bird in the back garden. Of course, this wasn't until AFTER our morning walk. She took me to the trail at the end of the street near her house. She was determined to get there and kept pulling me along on the leash. It is a myth that we walk our dogs.....they usually walk YOU. She was a Schnauz on a mission and there was no holding her back. She sniffed and walked and did her business and then turned around as if to say 'Ok, now we can go home'. So, back to the house we went and then she allowed me to have my morning tea.
Posted by Dee at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Josie is Rosie!

When I arrived, she was in full guard dog mode. She barked and growled as if she were a Rottweiler! It took her a bit of time to warm up to me. She wanted to be friends, but she needed to protect her territory first. After a few cookies and a good walk, she warmed right up to me and is now laying in my lap watching T.V. But don't believe for one second that she has forgotten her mommy and daddy. She goes to the front door and sniffs under the door. She knows they are coming back and she wants to greet them.
She is very cute and very well-behaved. I enjoyed walking her as she loves to walk. I can tell Josie and I will become very good buddies!
Posted by Dee at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Brandy and the Gang!

I am delayed in posting Brandy's picture due to not having wireless access at her house. So, I came home today to post her beautiful mug on my blogspot.
Brandy has been the perfect angel. We go for walks, play in the back yard and just hang out. I have spent a lot of time with her this week and she may be spoiled when her family comes home because shhhhhhhh....don't tell anyone.......she hasn't been in her crate since they left!
Brandy is very smart. I believe her mommy told me that she is a retired service dog. Her tempermant is perfect for socializing as well as being part of the family.
All of the fur and feathered children are doing well and their family can return to a peaceful, welcoming gang!!
Posted by Dee at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
Kira and Nala

Kira got her buddy back. Nala came to visit yesterday. She barked behind the fence over the weekend but couldn't come out to play. I think she was locked out and couldn't get over to Kira's house. They had a good day romping when the sun would come out, but once it began to rain, I let Kira in to wait it out. Nala? She laid on the deck getting soaked. She wasn't budging until Kira went out to play with her. I never noticed that Kira likes to catch bugs. Ewwwww. She kept smacking her jaw at the air and at first I thought she was just quirky. But, then I looked over and she was trying to eat the knats. She's a funny girl.
Kira was absolutely perfect as she always is. She loved all the time I spent with her this time. I only left her long enough to feed my own dog and shower, so she was never alone for more than a couple of hours.
Today we will play and walk. Her mommy and daddy come home tonight so we will make sure the house is clean and Kira is worn out so that she will sleep. I know she is going to be very excited to see them come home. I'll miss her until my next long stay in July. However, I am fortunate to see her on an occasional Friday. She's one of my faves!
Posted by Dee at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Raining, Raining, Raining.....
Posted by Dee at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Happy Dog!!!
Posted by Dee at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A Raisin In The Sun

Isn't she beautiful. Kira and I have been together for two days now. She has a playmate named Nala who lives next door. Our first morning, Nala came very early to visit. She stood outside the door and barked until I opened it to let Kira outside. They are very cute together and Kira and Nala played for a long time before laying down on the deck and resting.Much like children, when Kira wanted to come in, she came to the back door. Nala took her 'waiting' spot in front of the garage and Kira would come into the house for a bite to eat, a drink or just to hang out with me. I am able to spend a lot of time with her as I have no other visits at this time.
We are going for a long walk in the evening. It will probably be 90 degrees
Kira is still a bed hog, but she is a sweetheart and it is easy to just sleep
I will take her for a ride this week and we will spend our evenings walking and seeing the miniature horses. She is doing great even though she misses her Mommy and Daddy.
Posted by Dee at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
After the SPAW.....................
Abbie was so excited that we were going to play a new game. She jumped around like she was two years old. That is.....until she saw the dreaded hose! Today is fairly warm and the sun is shining. I wanted to get her cleaned up as she went out the other day and rolled around in the dirt. She had quite a few mats that were not budging with the mat splitter, so we had to do a little removal on some. No problem, she was laying on her back and I was brushing her and she was in dog heaven!
Posted by Dee at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Raccoon Bowling Night at Abbie's!
Well, there were no noises in the closet last night, but I swear there was bowling on the roof! I could hear scurrying across the roof and a couple of thuds every few minutes. It literally sounded as if the it was bowling night for the wildlife!
After checking the traps this morning, I found no signs of extra critters in the house.
I ran an errand and was gone no more than thirty minutes. When I returned, Abbie was waiting to go outside at the back door. I let her out and she went straight into the shrubs that line the back of the house and she kept looking at the roof. I said 'What is it, Abbie?' and she intently looked up at the roof. She was not taking her eyes off the roof and she was in hunt mode, relentlessly sniffing out the shrubbery and the earth around it. She definitely knew there was something on the roof and it had been down on the ground earlier. She must have been watching whatever it was out the back door while waiting for me to come back in. She did not give up until I said 'Okay chased it off' and we returned into the house.
My guess is that this is a opossum or a raccoon and it has access to the house via the vents on the roof and the wall entries. I am very surprised this is the first we are hearing from this critter, but I hope it takes up space somewhere else in a hurry because Abbie's mommy is not going to want to come home!!!!
Posted by Dee at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Abbie's fine...but another client not so good
Abbie is good and not getting any treats.
Can you tell? Shhhhhh, Abbie, don't tell Mama.
We have been fine and have enjoyed quite a bit of time together. I rarely leave but today was a little bit different.
I have a client who lives very close to Abbie. She was away on a business meeting in Orlando. She has the four dogs you can see WAYYYY back on my older posts on my blog. She built an add-on to her home for her dogs to live until she brings them in the house. Her house sits on about 5 acres and is very remote. I go there early morning and late night to put her dogs to bed and wake them up. I enter her house to get medication and never thought about the possibility of someone being in the house. Today, I picked her up at the airport at 12:30. We went straight to her house and then I returned to check on Abbie before going to WalMart. My client wanted to ride along to WalMart with me as she needed to pick up a few things. We dropped her suitcase in her living room and she joined me in the truck and we left. After grabbing a bite to eat and going to WalMart (90 minutes) we returned to her house where I dropped her off. I was on my way back to Abbie when she called me frantic and crying. Someone had robbed her home and she was afraid they were still in the house. I made it back to her at lightening speed to find her a nervous mess! The back french doors and the front door were unlocked and the french doors were broken where they forced their way in. When she entered she noticed the suitcase was not where she left it and a bad feeling came over her before realizing something wasn't right. I did my best to calm her down and we called the police. It took them 90 minutes to respond. They checked the entire house and found no one. But, it was obvious they were frightened off as they left evidence that they were not done stealing the laptop, the printer, the DVD player, stereo, etc. It appeared they loaded her suitcase with jewelry and other small items, took a painting off the wall and ransacked some drawer.
After speaking with the police, we suspect that she and I frightened them off when we stopped to drop her suitcase. She did not enter except to drop it off, change pants in her living room and leave. The upstairs bedrooms were ransacked and we believe they were up there when we were there. This was a very scarey ordeal and we were both left a little shaken. I called a friend to go to her house and stay with her tonight as I am pet sitting with Abbie and would never leave her alone.
So, you see, the life of a pet-sitter is seldom mundane! Between unknown critters and robbers....I think it is time I write a book called 'Pet Sitting Ain't Easy'!
Posted by Dee at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Earry Sound.......
We are keeping our ears open for any new rustling in the closet. The pest control technician came out yesterday to investigate our noise in the closet. Just as it happens when you have a 'noise' in your car and take it to the mechanic, only to find that the noise didn't happen when the mechanic was driving it.....this was the case with pest control. He opened the closet door and looked where I told him the noise was coming from. There were shelves there and no sign of pest droppings. We looked in the adjoining Water Heater closet to find no droppings in that closet either. However, he did say there was a hold that something could get through. He placed two adhesive traps in each of the two closets and said 'Well...we will see what turns up'. With that said, he turned and left. So, Abbie and I are keeping our ears open (as you can see) and if I hear it again, I'm going in with my camera!!! It was pretty quiet last night but we did hear noises the night before.
Other than our adventures in the closet, everything is quite peaceful. Abbie gets her daily walk and I just learned yesterday that she is trained to carry a package to the door. And, if she is NOT trained, er, uhhhh....I trained her to carry the package to the door. She amazes me everytime I sit with her. She has got to be the brightest of all my fur children. Well, besides all my other client's fur children :-)
Posted by Dee at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Me, Abbie and an Unknown Culprit!
I am back at Abbie's and she loved seeing me. She always wags her tail and lets me know that I am a welcome member to her household. However, I didn't realize the household had grown. Abbie lives in one of the nicest homes I stay in. Always organized, immaculate and very well appointed inside and out.
We decided to settle in and watch some television tonight. We typically stay in the master bedroom as Abbie is used to sleeping in this room. We were busy putting some last minute things away when both of us heard something. No kidding, she perked her head up at the same time I perked my head up. We listened intently for a moment and then looked at each other as if to say 'What was that?'
Now all kind of things are racing through my mind. We followed the noise. It was a rustling noise as if someone or something was going through clothing. We approached the bathroom and soon discovered the noise was coming from the closet in the Master bathroom. We both stood by the door listening and what noise had once stopped, it was now beginning to get louder. My heart was racing and I kept thinking whatever was in there was big enough to make all this noise. Naturally, my first thought was that there was a person hiding in the closet. Of course, I wasn't being very logical at this point as nerves had taken over. Abbie and I went to the kitchen and got a knife and then I promptly went back to the closet door and said 'Whoever is in there better come out because I have a knife'. Yeah, right! I pride myself with having a good sense about me, but in retrospect, this was probably the dumbest move I've made to date!
When I realized a person could not have gotten into the house without breaking a door or setting off the alarm, I decided I was safe, but kept the knife anyway. We continued to listen to this relentless noise. It was not frightened by our presence. It was large enough to make rustling noise through the clothes in that closet. AND....we could hear it knawing on the inside of the wall.
We left the bathroom after spending a LOT of time talking to whatever is in there. We left, closed the door and refuse to use that bathroom at all!
I don't want to alarm Abbie's Mom and Dad, but I thought you should know that your family has grown! Stay tuned for an update on our friend!
Posted by Dee at 8:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
One Elk of a scare!
By the looks of these two, you would think it is always calm at their house. Usually, it is! But, last night around dusk, we decided to go for a walk. I opened the door and Ursa (black lab) took off with me on the other end of her lead. Ben was a little slower getting out the door, but once I got my bearings to see what Ursa was chasing, I was face to face with two large Elk. They were grazing the lawn and Ursa was about to let then know she was large and in charge. I managed to restrain her and we headed right back in the house. The Elk grazed for another 30 minutes before disappearing into the trees that line the road to their house.
When I knew the coast was clear, we mounted up again and went out side. This time Ben (the senior) took off after a flash that ran through the bushes behind their house. All I know is that it was bigger than a rabbit, but not as big as a, I'm still left to wonder what that anmal was. I've never seen Ben move that fast as he usually walks with a lumber and doesn't hurry to do anything! I turned around and he was gone....I called out to him several times and couldn't see hide nor hair of him. I quickly took Ursa back into the house and went outside to find Ben. I called and called and no sight of him. I was really starting to worry and was probably looking only 15 minutes when I caught a flash of his red fur behind a bush. It took him some time to find a spot between the bushes that he could fit between, but eventually, he found his way to his property and we were back in the safe comfort of their home.
Each time something like this happens to me, it teaches me a new lesson.
Posted by Dee at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Awwwww Relaxation

Posted by Dee at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Happy Ending...
My day was full of fear that I had lost my client's beloved cat. I worried when she/he did not come home after an hour. I went outside every two hours looking for her/him. After 12 hours, I was sure something had happened to her/him. I went to the door at 9pm and found her waiting to come in the house. As fast as she ran out the door, she ran in the door. That's it! This is one cat that won't see the light of day as long as I am here! What a relief!
Posted by Dee at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Spring White!
Well, it has been snowing here since yesterday morning. The dogs are nestled in their beds and don't seem to care because I am here with them and they have all they need.
The little black cat, on the other hand, is determined to give me a heart attack. We have never talked about them being indoor or outdoor cats, but as far as I am concerned they are all indoor when I am on watch! LOL.
Well, she darted out the door again this morning. She has yet to come back and I am beginning to worry. I wonder if this is something she does all the time? I would hate to think anything would happen to her, but she seems to think this is normal for her. I check the door every ten minutes waiting on her return. I will not relax until I see her little black face come back through the door.
Another thing I didn't discuss with the fur children's parents is Ben. He seems to be in quite a bit of joint discomfort. He has also had the runs since I got here. We are going outdoors in the middle of the night and he does his business every time we go out. Other than that, everything is fine. I am fortunate that I am not working elsewhere and I can spend a whole lot of time with them. They will be sick of me by the time I leave!
Posted by Dee at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Peaceful Paws.....
Posted by Dee at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Dynamic Duo......
Posted by Dee at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Coming to an end.....
Ginger and I have had fun. She is full of P. an V. (if you know what I mean). She runs to the door when I come in and jumps and barks as if to say 'Its about time'! We have gotten into a rhythm and I visit with all the nurses that work at Ginger's house. She is used to my coming and going and knows when I am going to feed her. She also knows I never leave the house without treats first! I sometimes wonder who is alpha person.
Posted by Dee at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Mach One!
Its my third day with Ginger and the feline gang. We have gotten used to the routine.....up at 7am, out to do our business and then eat. Mid-day walk at 1:30 - 2:00 pm and a snack. Walk and eat at 8:30pm and off to bed by 9pm. Until today, Ginger has had no problems going outside with me. We have had rain and hail today and maybe even a thunder shower at one point. I took my umbrella to my mid-day visit and Ginger was spooked by it. I laid it on the counter in the kitchen, but she was not coming anywhere near it. I finally took it to my car and re-entered hoping that would soothe her ruffled feathers. She eventually came to me but not before checking out the kitchen and that intruding umbrella. She is very cute.
After we established it was just Ginger, Me and the Lead, she led me outside and we began a walk around the grounds. It was raining and she didn't enjoy the droplets at first, but soon began sniffing all the spots she usually does her business. After a good long while, it appeared she was ready to rejoin the felines in the house. I turned around and all of a sudden, she performed what I have deemed as 'Mach One'! This is when an animal, dog or cat, decides out of no where to get a burst of energy and run like hell! I had Ginger on the 9 ft. lead so she had a lot of room to run. She began running in circles so fast I couldn't keep up and soon was literally dragging me around the property. Her mommy has a technique with Binaca, but I think you have to get NEAR her to use it! I finally manage to wrangle her towards the house and just as quickly as she had that burst of energy, she became calm and looked at me like 'Whaaat?'. Seriously, I looked around for the hidden camera because it had to be hysterical to anyone that watched!
We went back into the house and I gave her treats. When I left, she was in the window looking out and I could hear her let out a little whimper as if to say...."Don't go...I really LIKE dragging you around"......The cats? .... They could care less!
Posted by Dee at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Ginger and the Gang!
Posted by Dee at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Patience My Friends......
I haven't posted recently as I have had a break from the business to pursue some travel. But, never fear, the busy days are here. Beginning this weekend, (April 5th), I will begin a busy schedule taking me all the way through September. So, be patient and check often to see the new and old faces that I love to care for!
Posted by Dee at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Snails, Snow and Simplicity!
Posted by Dee at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
No Picture but lots to say.....
Here I am again! I am so lucky to get to spend so much time with Abbie. I really do enjoy my visits with her.
I am without a camera today. I have been traveling and keep forgetting to get it from my bag at home. So, I'll have to be a little more descriptive!
Abbie is her usual sweet self. I have to say.....I think she knows I am coming before I even get here. She always greets me at the front door and welcomes me as if to say "Are we going for a walk now?" She's so cute and full of personality. We went for a short walk the first night (Tues) as I got here at 7pm. We were both shocked yesterday when it started to snow. I told Abbie....(no, really....I speak OUT LOUD to Abbie and I am NOT ashamed to admit it)....the snow was coming at a wierd time of year and probably won't stick. Wrong! We had six inches of snow when we woke up. There was a little less in other parts of our town, but Abbie lives on a little higher elevation and they tend to get the most. The snow didn't stop Abbie....I was so disappointed when I realized I didn't have my camera (that I usually have ALWAYS) because Abbie darted out the door and made a snow dog angel in the snow. She was so funny rolling around on her back in the snow. No one should ever call her a senior dog because she truly doesn't think so!
We didn't walk this morning as it was a little too cold, but caught a quick walk in the afternoon.
Now she is crashed out on the floor waiting for her next cookie!!!!
Posted by Dee at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Hip Hip Hoooorraaayy!
Posted by Dee at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Isn't she Regal!

Posted by Dee at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Rainbow and Abbie
It doesn't surprise me that a Rainbow would appear directly over Abbie's house...she is one of the brightest Rainbows around!
Posted by Dee at 5:57 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Day!
Isn't she cute. She is celebrating Leap Day today and has been playing with the frogs! Little does she know, she will be getting a bath soon. Auntie Dee is going to do it herself! Shhhh, don't tell Mama, it is a surprise!
Posted by Dee at 6:33 PM 0 comments