Well, Chloe and I are getting ready for the big game today. I ran her ragged yesterday so she can rest a litte. Of course, the whole time I am watching the game, she is doing her thing and is just a happy camper. Between the laser light and her ball, I keep her pretty active.
She has been getting her eardrops everyday and doesn't seem to mind at all.
She was so funny yesterday. I called her name and was looking all over for her but couldn't find her anywhere. She really had me scared because if I say 'cookie', she will always come out. But yesterday she didn't make a sound. I found her hiding behind the bar where it is black and I couldn't see her. Little stinker. She loves to play hide and seek.
She must have been feeling her Cheerios because somehow she got one of the little pillows that hand on the door knob She shredded it to bits. It always makes me feel bad when she does this on 'my shift'. I don't know if she does this when her mama is home, but I feel so bad. So, I am out looking for one to replace that one.
Other than that, everything is great on the home front. Chloe can't wait to see her mommy and daddy.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Sunday afternoon
Posted by Dee at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Now that I have the griping out of the way, Chloe is doing very well. She loves to play in her back yard and go for walks. She is patient when the phone rings and she LOVES it when Kathy comes over to visit.
Yesterday, Kathy came over to bring me something and have dinner with us and Chloe went crazy like she hadn't seen her in 100 years. She is so dang cute. I think the laser light was a great babysitter for both Kathy and Chloe!
Its not raining today so we will go for a long stroll this afternoon. But all is well on the homefront!
Posted by Dee at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Just Happy
She is eating like a champ this morning and just seems overall happy. So, keep posted as I will blog her everyday whether it is boring or not! Although there is never a boring moment with me and my Chloe girl! She is a happy girl!
Posted by Dee at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Wind Beneath My Ears......
She is excited now because her buddy, Kathy, just came over. She loves to play with Kathy. Well, actually, she loves to play with everybody.
She is having a good time and she is being a good girl. It will be a quiet Saturday afternoon. She will be excited to see her mommy and daddy tomorrow.
Posted by Dee at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 1, 2013
Where'd that toy go????????????????????
The sun is still not shining. So, we are going to clean up a while and wait to see if she can get some sunshine this afternoon.
She is still a happy camper.
Oh, by the way, we had only ONE Trick or Treater. Guess who it was??? .......................ME! UMMMMM Good Butterfingers!!!
Posted by Dee at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Chloe and I had fun in spite of it. We played in the rain in the back yard and I got some cute photos of her. It is hard not to get cute photos of her as she is just so darn cute anyway.
We didn't do anything spectacular other than wrestle in the living room and play with toys most of the day. She had to stay by herself about an hour and a half so I could get a haircut, but other than that, I have been here all day with her. We have not had one trick or treater here tonight so far. She is sitting by the door just peering out as if she knows someone is coming by. But we will keep waiting to see if anyone shows up.
Other than that, nothing to report. She is a happy girl and we are having fun!
Posted by Dee at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Chloe and the rain
Chloe and I are doing great. It's been very cold, windy and wet today. Chloe doesn't even want to go outside. She will stand by the door and look out but as soon as I open the door she just sits there as if to say "are you crazy?". So we are playing in the house to wear off some energy. But she is also content to curl up with me. She is a good girl and has been a perfect Angel.
Posted by Dee at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 7, 2013
Chloe Girl........
I arrived at Chloe`s house at 8:30 this morning. She was very excited to see me. She barked for an hour. She ate her breakfast and went outside to take care of business. She came back in because it was dark, cold and rainy outside. We played with her babies and she is a happy little girl. We are hoping the weather gets better soon so we can walk and smell the grass. But for now, she is snoozing and enjoying life!
Posted by Dee at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
We are still here!!
It has been a while since my last posting. Business has been slow. And it's been a rough year for me health-wise. Thankfully, my health is getting back on track and I am excited to be back at full speed.
But the good news is that I'm Good and I will be back shortly. I visit Chloe in a week or so. Also, Kira girl will grace us with her beautiful, black coat as well as Joe Kitty who is a little camera shy. I bought a very nice, expensive camera and I hope to snap some awesome photos of my client's fur children.
So, be patient and know that I'm never far.I will be back soon along with all my cute, furry, little ones whom I miss during slow times.
Wishing everyone a bright and shiny summer and a cozy Fall and Winter
Posted by Dee at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 31, 2013
Blue Skies
We woke up to blue skies and dry streets today. But I am not going to get my hopes up yet as there are some dark ominous clouds hanging over. The pups had me up at 5:30am to eat as they do most mornings. The are taking advantage of the short time we will have sunshine today and running all around the back yard. The big dog is out next door and he hangs out right up against the fence. So Ollie and Gracie tend to stay on the deck side. No big plans today. Just wait and watch the weather and this beautiful lake.
Posted by Dee at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Washed away.......
But other than that, we are all three just hanging out. I am getting cabin fever as I have left a total of three times since I have been here. I am sure the dogs are sick of looking at my mug all day. They will be so happy to have their mommy and daddy home.
Ollie is quite the character. If he is bored and wants to play, he lets everyone know it. Gracie just tolerates him and I have no choice but to play with him to wear him out a little. He is high energy. Gracie is content just to be lazy. Ollie has chewed up every one of his toys. Well, I take that back, he has ONE left. I worry about him chewing other things so I keep everything up out of his reach. But he is a puppy and that is what puppies do. He gets his bully sticks and that helps with chewing a little.
Well, that's about it! We will watch the rain another day and hope for the sunshine tomorrow!
Posted by Dee at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Raining, Raining and more Rain!
Its a dreary day outside. And I guess the Corgis are just as bored to see the rain as I am. Ollie got bored and chewed up my phone charger. Funny thing is that it has been there the entire time I have been here and he hasn't touched it. That is why I think he is bored. He has been getting his bully sticks but I guess its time to give it to him again. Anyway, no big deal. This isn't the first one that has been chewed up by my pup mates!
Gracie is content to just hang out and snooze. They only go outside when they have to. I don't think they like getting wet. She is a good cuddlebug though.
Other than that, nothing exciting happening. Its a long, boring Memorial Weekend!
Posted by Dee at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Corgi Ranch........
Other than that, nothing exciting happening. We are hanging out watching it rain, then watching the sunshine in between. The weather surely can't make up its mind. Its beautiful right now but there are dark black clouds looming over the lake. Kathy is coming over tomorrow to help me with walks. I can't walk them alone. It is difficult just walking one because of my arm. I feel bad but I try to make up for it by throwing the ball a lot. Not only is the Rotator Cuff torn in my right arm, I have frozen shoulder in my left. I just can't win for losing. It could all be worse so I am not complaining. So, no worries on the home front. All is up and running and everyone is doing well. Until next time...............................................
Posted by Dee at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Ollie and Gracie
Well, it has been raining like crazy. We have been hanging out watching the beautiful view over the lake. Sometimes it comes down in buckets. But the pups don't mind at all as we just play ball or with their toys in the house. Except Ollie got a little bored yesterday. While I was in the living room, he was in the bedroom chewing up his bed. He likes the foam underneath and decided he was going to chew it up. I caught him in time before he completely destroyed the bed but he put a good dent in it. I scolded him and he seemed to know he did a bad thing but my scolding is not too harsh so I am keeping a watchful eye on him. I noticed he likes to chew the stuffing out of his toys. This is a trait all puppies go through. I have taken several away from him. Kathy said she did the same while she was here. Gracie on the other hand is being a little princess. She has not gotten into any mischief.
We went outside in the backyard yesterday and the big dog next door decided to come completely face to face with the gate. I didn't see him come up to the gate as my back was turned. He let out a huge and very loud bark and scared the bejeezus out of me! Ollie and Gracie just barked back as if they are used to it. Afterwards, I thought it was pretty funny.
No plans today other than to entertain them and hang out. It is raining still and expected to rain for a while. So, we will entertain ourselves and watch the rain!
Posted by Dee at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 20, 2013
Gracie and Ollie
The Corgis are doing well. Kathy raves about what good protecters they are. She said they were all sitting and watching television when all of a sudden they began barking and running toward the backyard. She didn't hear anything so she got up to see what the commotion was. It was a landscaper next door. Their hearing is very acute. Gracie loves playing ball and fetching while Ollie loves possession of the ball. So, Gracie has learned how to strategically drop the ball where Kathy or I can retrieve it before Ollie gets to it. Gracie is very smart. Kathy also said she noticed that Ollie kept going to. She couldn't figure out his fascination with the shrubbery but noticed a pathway. Once she explored she found that is his favorite place to go poop. So, she warned me to make sure I clean up there everyday on poop patrol. She has really enjoyed her time there and I think she is kind of sorry to leave. Too bad! Now its my turn again and I am looking forward to it. Not sure how I will walk with my arm in a sling but I will give it a try. Everything is great on the Corgi home front!
Posted by Dee at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Chloe is doing excellent. She is recovering from her infection nicely. She hasn't licked at all but scooted one time. I am keeping a closer eye on her although she hasn't left my sight since I got here. I haven't even left. I haven't put her cone back on as she is doing so well. Its been a non-eventful stay so not much to report other than all is well. She will be very happy to see her mommy and daddy Monday night.
Posted by Dee at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 17, 2013
Chloe Girl.......
She has had her cone off since yesterday. She seems to do fine and isn't trying to lick the wounded area too much. If she starts to lick, I just say her name and she stops. She slept with me last night and did fine. But then, she has slept with me since she was little.
Everything with Chloe is running smoothly and nothing else to report.
Posted by Dee at 3:27 PM 0 comments
The Corgis.........
Posted by Dee at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Its been a while since I have seen Chloe but she greeted me with a wagging tail and little squeals of joy. She was very happy to see me! She looks good considering she has been through a lot over the last several months. She is a resilient little Cavalier and I just love kissing her little muzzle. It is so soft. We have been hanging out today talking back and forth between family homes. I talk to Gracie and Ollie via Kathy and she asks me how Chloe is doing. It is nice being surrounded by happy paws.
Not a lot to report as everything is running smoothly at both households. Chloe and I will continue to hang out tonight and enjoy a quiet evening at her home!
Posted by Dee at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Gracie and Ollie
The Corgi household is running smoothly. I am getting to know a little more of their personalities everyday. Kathy will be spending the next few days with them and I am anxious to see how their personalities are with her. She loves to take pictures, walk, throw ball and entertain the pups while she is there. I am sure she will send me photos to update the blog with their cute little mugs.
Gracie and Ollie slept on the bed last night for most of the night and then settled into their own beds. They are great watch dogs as nothing gets by their noses and near the yard without them hearing it. They don't bark much at all. The first time I heard Ollie bark was when he wanted to play. They both seem content and happy and that is all that matters to me. Stay tuned for more updates and pictures!
Posted by Dee at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Meet the New Kids on the Block!
It's been a long time since my last blog! But, it is that time of year again when business is busy and new kids are joining the Playful Paw Family!
Meet Ollie and Gracie! Two very precious Corgis and cousins of Chloe's!
Ollie (the fair-haired Corgi) is the pup. Not a year old yet and sweet as can be. His temperment seems to be perfect for Gracie as she is the senior and has seen her 'puppy' days a while ago. Ollie will ocassionally tug on Gracie's ear in an effort to get her to play but Gracie has ignored him so far!
Gracie (Darker Corgi) is quiet. She is low key and likes to be off by herself most of the time. She is a little harder to get to know and I am still learning their personalities. We have only been together 24 hours so I am sure I will get to know them much better as my stay goes on.
Ollie and Gracie live in a beautiful house overlooking the lake. They are very lucky pooches and have a big back yard area to run in. They have the freedom of a doggie door which makes my job easier. Of course, I tend to be a little bit of a worry wart and check on them constantly. If I don't see them in the back yard, I start looking!
They seem to like my being here with them. I always make friends with treats right off the bat, so that helps! Stay tuned for more updates on the Corgi house. We will be together for quite a while!
Posted by Dee at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2013
Antother cold day in paradise.......
It has been a very cold today. The horses are thankful to have their blankets on and the dogs don't stay out much. Sunny gets cold and wants to come in. Cassie could stay out all day if I let her.
They are all snuggled in their beds right now waiting for me to cook dinner.
A large package came today and I put it in the garage as instructed. Other than that.......that is all I have to report.
Posted by Dee at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Back at the Farm.........
Posted by Dee at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas Everyone
Posted by Dee at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve
Posted by Dee at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Sunday Afternoon
Posted by Dee at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Ready for Christmas
Posted by Dee at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2012
Chloe's First Visit
Posted by Dee at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2012
Sleeping away the rain......
Posted by Dee at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2012
Meet Chloe Abigail..........
Posted by Dee at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Back at the Farm......
Posted by Dee at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Weather unpredictable......
Posted by Dee at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2012
Lazy days at the farm.....
Posted by Dee at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Another Very Sad Good Bye.....
Posted by Dee at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Saddest Goodbye EVER!!!!!
Posted by Dee at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Good Bye for today........
Their daddy comes home tonight so I will be here until dinner time. Then I will tuck them away, snug as a bug and say goodbye until next time. They have really grown on me as they are as sweet as Katie and Katja. They sure do grow in my heart quickly. Guess that is why this is a good business for me. So, until next time.....I will kiss them goodbye and tell them I will see them soon.
Posted by Dee at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Ellie and Abbyville.......
Posted by Dee at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ellie and Abby
Posted by Dee at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Posted by Dee at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Posted by Dee at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2012
Beautiful Morning
Posted by Dee at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Last Night With Abbie Girl.....
She was perfect as usual. She has slowed down quite a bit but then we all do when we are aging. She loves to cuddle and give me kisses and I enjoy our walks during the day. She has been fantastic with the getting up in the middle of the night. She sleeps right through the night and I have to wake her in the morning to get her outside.
Her fur is starting to grow out so she is beginning to look like her old self again. I hope she misses me when I am gone. I thnk I will make it a point f stopping by from time to time to see how she is doing. I will try to catch her out in the yard so I don't bother her mommy and daddy.
I will leave tomorrow around noon. I am always available anytime I am needed for her and hopefully her owners know that!
Posted by Dee at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
She likes the flowers....what can I say?
Posted by Dee at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2012
No Need To Water.....
Posted by Dee at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 17, 2012
Long Time no see Abbie Girl.....
She helped me unload the car and get moved in. No matter how long I stay away, she seems to remember our routine and it just warms my heart that she never forgets me.
We watered all the plants, including the front ones even though they looked as if they had been watered already. As hot as it is today, an extra watering won't hurt them. There were a couple of packages on the porch that we brought them in. Got all the groceries put away and now we are just leisurely hanging out!
We will go for walks this week but very early walks. It is suppose to warm up so more before cooling down so we will get the walks in before the sun gets too hot for her. Abbie and I are seniors and the heat gets to both of us!
Everything here is A-OK and I am looking forward to spending the week with my Abbie girl.
Posted by Dee at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2012
All Sunshine and NO Casualties!!!
Posted by Dee at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2012
Ahhhhh.....Back at the farm
The weather is perfect and the horses were glad to see me as well. Its a little piece of heaven here and I am always glad to stay. And.....it doesn't hurt that their mommy and daddy are two of the best people you would ever want to meet!
Cassie, Ruggles and Sunny were ready to go outside and enjoy the sunshine as well. I got all settled in for the next four days and it is now just about sunset and we are ready for a good night of the Olympics and snacks!
I will keep you posted on the antics at the farm over the next few days! Hope their mommy and daddy are winning lots of money in Vegas!
Posted by Dee at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Meet Ellie and Abby.......
Posted by Dee at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 29, 2012
Posted by Dee at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Kira and Joe
Posted by Dee at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Dogs dreaming of Hawaii.......
All the pups are doing well even though I am sure they are missing their mommy badly. We played ball and chased rabbits. With cookies hanging out of their mouths, the pups went off to romp on their beautiful grounds that they love so well. I really look forward to seeing them each morning and evening. I have been feeling so well that it makes it that much more exciting to hang out with them in the morning sunshine. Even Ernie seems to be perkier these days.
So, all in all, we are all doing very well and anxious to get the rull report on Hawaii when mommy gets home!!!! Lots of puppy kisses to the small island! Aloha!
Posted by Dee at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Awesome Aussies
Posted by Dee at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 25, 2012
Sunny Day with Scnauzers
I arrived on Wed. at 5pm, just in time for dinner. I always get extra points with the pups when I can walk in and hand out food immediately. They welcomed me as if I was just here a day ago. That is not too far off as I was just hete three weeks ago.
We have been spending tome outside, cleaning up the patio and just hanging out. They are such good pups there are rarely any issues. So we are just enjoying the sunshine and each other's company.
Posted by Dee at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
We are a boring group
I realize I have not blogged much but we have been such a boring group, there is not much to report. I am using my IPAD which is an Apple product and is not user friendly to Blogger so I cannot upload photos. I will retrieve my regular laptop tomorrow and post some pics of the pups. Everyone is doing fine. We had a beautiful weekend but the forecast for the next ninety, yes Ninety days is exactly the same. Cloudy, rain and 57 to 62ish degrees. It has rained all day today. But the Tulips on the patio are fully bloomed and very pretty. We swept and did poop patrol today. None of the pups wanted to go out in the rain. We go out about every two hours and just hang out for a bit.
Tomorrow is the first day I will leave at all. They are so spoiled. All is perfect in Schnauzerland.
Posted by Dee at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Schnauzer Town
I have been with Izzy, Molly, and Frannie since Friday. Although there has been a lag in blogging, there has been no lag in attention on these three sweeties. Now that I finally have everything in place, I can assure everyone that all is well in Schnauzer Town.
"The kids" have been great. The weather beautiful and it has been a relaxing four days. It seems they have some new fur neighbors a couple doors down. It kind of drives them crazy that they are so close to their turf, but other than that, not much bothers them. Molly had her last dose of medicine today so they are all on their regular diet now. Kathy came by yesterday with my mail. A friend of mine sent some peanut butter bones she found in California. She wanted my dogs to give them a try. It's a good thing there were only about ten in the bag because I left them on the table next to the couch and when I returned from the kitchen, they had been devoured. Oops! Hey....if I were a dog, I would have seized the moment as well. They were smiling all afternoon.
Posted by Dee at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 18, 2012
wow.....what a day
Yesterday was a weatherman's dream. We had heavy snow in the morning until about noon. Then the sun came out and it looked like it was all over. Until about three when pea size hail came down so hard even Abbie would not go out in it. The ground was covered in the frozen hail enough to look like it snowed. Once that quit, the rains came back and continued all night, only to wake up to a rain snow mix this morning. There is still quite a bit of the hail on the ground so the temperature didn't rise too much. This is the craziest weather ever!
But Abbie and I are doing great.....she goes out when she can see that it's clear! Just love her.
Posted by Dee at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 16, 2012
Abbie Girl
.I arrived at Abbie's at 7:30 yesterday morning. She was happy to see me and was well aware of the treats in my pocket. Can't get nothin past her. She was excellent last night. We went out at 11pm and she slept the whole night. I was given a high powered flashlight for Christmas because I mentioned to a friend that I always go out with Abbie even if it is 3am in the morning. So, she bought me this high powered flashlight that I am sure can wake the dead, but I never lose sight of my Abbie girl.
Posted by Dee at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Still Snowing, Raining, Windy....all of the above
Posted by Dee at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Snow Again.....5 days until Spring!

Posted by Dee at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Rain, Rain and more Rain......
Posted by Dee at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 9, 2012
All the Fur Children are doing well.....
Posted by Dee at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Lazyyyyy Dayyyyy
Posted by Dee at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Snow in Bellevue

Posted by Dee at 7:40 AM 0 comments